NCTU OCW - 國立交通大學開放式課程 2.01
開放教育是現代教育思潮的一股主流,國內外大學近幾年陸續開放教育資源,透過開放式課程(OpenCourseWare, OCW)暨其應用之建置將知識分享於社會。國立交通大學2008年於教務處下成立全國首創之開放教育推動中心(Open Education Office,OEO),專責交通大學開放式課程之建置與發展、開放教育策略研究、開放教育資源之整合與應用,並促進教學資源共享,提供自學者更寬廣的學習內容。開放教育推動中心亦將建置銜接高中與大學之開放式課程內容,並持續精進開放式課程網站平台內容與品質,結合行動學習與雲端服務趨勢,提供更為便利的自主學習模式。「國立交通大學開放式課程網站」每學期提供10門以上之優質課程,包含各院系基礎、專業課程、共同必修課程及通識教育課程,無償地提供自學者更多元豐富的學習管道。本網站於2012年更從全球超過250個大學開放式課程網站中脫穎而出,百裡選一地獲得全球開放式課程聯盟年度「標竿網站獎」(LandmarkSiteAward)。開放式課程除代表對傳統教育的反思過程,亦具備著與其他教育理念及作法相輔相成的功能。交通大學開放式課程不但開放分享資源,亦讓教育者、學生與自學者得以針對個別的需求與認知型態,作為教學、學習與研究之利用與再利用,充分反映出彈性、多樣、主動、適性的精神,並希望不斷激發主動學習,以落實發展全人與終身教育。Open Education is aneducational mainstream of modern thought, at home and abroad inrecent years, universities have open educational resources, throughOCW(OpenCourseWare, OCW) 暨其 build applications of theknowledge-sharing community. National Chiao Tung University, founded in 2008 under theinitiative of the National Office of Academic Affairs to promoteopen education center (Open Education Office, OEO), build dedicatedJiaotong University OpenCourseWare and Development StrategyResearch education open, open integration and application ofeducational resources, and to promote the sharing of teachingresources, provide autodidact broader learning content. OpenEducation Center will promote the convergence of high school andbuild an open university courses and continued diligence OCWwebsite platform content and quality, combined with action learningand cloud services trend, providing more convenient self-learningmode. "National Chiao Tung University OCW website" provides more than 10per semester of high quality courses, including the faculty-based,professional courses, common compulsory courses and generaleducation courses, free of charge, to provide rich learningautodidact more diverse pipeline. The site in 2012 and more fromover 250 universities worldwide OCW site stand out, choose a placeto get Barry global OCW Consortium annual "benchmarking websiteAward" (LandmarkSite Award). OCW addition to representatives of the traditional educationprocess of reflection, but also with the educational philosophy andpractice with other complementary functions. Jiaotong UniversityOCW not only open up and share resources, but also allow educators,students and self-learners to focus on individual needs andcognitive patterns, as a teaching, learning and research and theuse of re-use, fully reflects the flexibility, diversity,initiative, adaptive spirit, and hopes to inspire active learning,in order to implement holistic development and lifelongeducation.